All posts by Dean Sewell

Planning Application (Take 2)

We have submitted a revised planning application taking on board feedback from neighbors and following detailed discussions with Merton planning officers.

Link to New Application

We had introduced changes towards the end of the previous planning application, and this revised application introduces further changes and refinements in line with Planning guidance.  Specifically, we have made the following revisions:

  • The colour of the roof tiles have been changed to match the existing and the roof form has been redesigned.
  • The width of the 1st and 2nd floors have been significantly reduced.
  • Timber cladding has been introduced at ground level to provide a reduction in scale, to darken the elevation and to provide a contrast to the render.  This softens the design and helps to blend in more with the tree and surroundings.
  • The amount of render on the elevations has been reduced and the colour has been changed from white to a warmer natural / light stone colour to again blend with the surroundings.
  • The upper floors have been stepped back to show more of the tree canopy.
  • Alterations have also been made to the footprint at the rear, adjacent to the Beech tree, to ensure no impact to the roots.
  • Extensive 3d modelling has been conducted and artist impressions (photomontage) added to give a realistic feel for how the house will look in the context of the street.
  • Numerous smaller improvement to produce a more refined and coherent design, whilst maintaining the rhythm of the Close.

All of these changes follow detailed discussions with senior officers at the Council – we have spent 4 months revising the design and believe the application has evolved and improved significantly.

As with all things in life, we know it is not possible to please everybody all of the time and to satisfy all objections, however we have tried to address as many concerns as we can whilst delivering the most sustainable house possible.

In addition to making these revisions, we have been able to maintain the sustainability credentials which will result in a house with almost no energy demands, which many people supported and is something we are passionate about.

We have (and again had) conducted detailed analysis regarding sustainability in terms of both construction and running the house.

We remain committed to achieving our dream to build a zero-carbon house.  As somebody that has worked as an environmental consultant, this has been a lifelong dream.  We really want to make a difference and do something to reduce our carbon footprint.

It is vital that we all take action to reduce carbon emissions if we are to prevent run away climate change and preserve a quality of environment for subsequent generations. For us as parents, there is nothing more important.  There are no quick fixes.   A better world will only result from innumerable actions, small as well as great, by the whole population of the planet. No one is exempt from the obligation to humanity. It is our moral duty to do all that we can. Now!

We hope people can provide the support we need to move this forward.